Zeit: Mittwoch, 14. Juni 2023, 15:00 – 17:00 Uhr
Ort: SZ 15.22, RESOWI-Zentrum der Universität Graz, Bauteil G, 2. Stock, Eingang Schubertstrasse
Findings from the largest European survey on gender-based violence in European Academia
Presentation by Panagiota Polykarpou, project partner of UniSAFE and Consultant for Gender Equality at Yellow Window (in English)
UniSAFE is an EU-funded project that aims to support higher education, research organisations and policymakers in addressing gender-based violence in the European academic and research area. The project's approach involves generating in-depth knowledge on the subject, including analysis of its social determinants and impact on different levels, such as national, organisational, and individual. Based on this research, UniSAFE develops policy recommendations, operational tools, and training programs to address this issue.
The presentation will focus on sharing the latest results of the UniSAFE survey and highlighting the key conclusions drawn from the research. The primary goal of the presentation, however, is to raise awareness about gender-based violence in academia and improve the audience's understanding and capacity in addressing this issue. By empowering individuals and organisations with knowledge and resources, UniSAFE hopes to create safer and more inclusive academic and research environments across Europe.
Jährlich werden Wissenschaftszweige der Universität Graz für ihre hervorragende Nachwuchsförderung, Einstiegschancen und Aufstiegschancen im Sinne von Gleichstellung von Männern und Frauen an unserer Universität ausgezeichnet. Die feierliche Überreichung der Prämierungen für 2021 und 2022 erfolgt durch die Vizerektorin Univ.-Prof.in Mireille van Poppel, PhD und der Vorsitzenden des Arbeitskreises für Gleichbehandlungsfragen, Ao.Univ.-Prof.in Mag.a Dr.in Maria Elisabeth Aigner.
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